
Welcome to the BCD Marketplace, a one-stop-shop for coaches to source everything they need to get started and grow their business.

The Marketplace has a selected number of partners that have chosen to partner with the BCD to promote and sell their services to the BCD audience. There are sometimes promotional offers, that are only available to BCD members that hold an active membership.

If there is a service you believe would be beneficial to be on the website, please do contact us.

We constantly seek inclusive opportunities to collaborate with experts, suppliers, and technology partners with diverse perspectives—and who are just as driven as we are to make a difference.

Services and Suppliers

The BCD Marketplace features our Platinum, Gold and Silver Partners. The BCD Business Partner Network can offer members discounts or special pricing on products and services. BCD Members can take advantage of partner offers when they are logged in.

Groundbreaking Coach Training


Office Search Company


Downloadable resources

Our comprehensive library of Coaching resources will help you to deliver a productive coaching session. Our resources are formatted so they are easy to use with clients, are presented professionally and downloaded at a click of a button from point of purchase.

Limiting Beliefs – User Friendly List


Business Goals – Guide and Workbook


Values Exercise – Explore, Identify and Live Life by Your Values


Strengths – User Friendly List of Strengths


Values – User Friendly List of Values


Testimonial – Client Feedback Form

£1.99 £0.00

Want access to exclusive deals?

By joining the Business Coach Directory, you’ll not only get all the benefits of membership, but you’ll also get access to special members-only prices and preferential deals from our partners and suppliers.