As a Mindset-focused Coach, I am fascinated with the concept of fear and the role that it plays in our lives.
That gut-wrenching feeling of retraction we get when we think of doing something that scares us?
Although that part of us has the best intention to keep us safe and comfortable where we are…
If we always listen to fear and let that be the dictator of whether we do something or not…how will we ever find out what’s truly possible for us?
Sometimes fear is there to show us what we shouldn’t do, so a “real” fear.
But there’s so many other types of fear that we invent in our mind.
Because we simply haven’t done something before.
I have learnt over recent years that you can feel scared beyond belief and STILL do the thing anyway.
Disclaimer – I’m not saying we all have to start jumping out of planes to face our fears.
But this was my “biggest fear” until I decided to just say yes and do it last year.
And guess what?
It changed my perspective on everything. Not only was skydiving the most incredible, liberating thing I’ve ever done.
It also made me realise that I could sit with a huge amount of fear in my body and still decide to take action anyway.
When we choose to challenge ourselves and lean into the fear, there’s an opportunity for HUGE growth and personal transformation.
- An opportunity to start feeling empowered.
- To start deepening that sense of trust in yourself.
- To start developing confidence and self belief.
You don’t have to ALWAYS be living life outside of your comfort zone.
Comfort is also needed in our lives.
Comfort is something to be enjoyed.
But comfort doesn’t allow for a challenge.
You can only develop your courage and confidence by doing such acts.
It’s not about living a life without feeling fear whatsoever, it’s about understanding that what you’re retracting away from and saying you “can’t” do could actually be offering an opportunity for your greatest growth and becoming.
What’s one thing that you would love to do that scares you?