When was the last time you did something that scared you?

As a Mindset-focused Coach, I am fascinated with the concept of fear and the role that it plays in our lives. That gut-wrenching feeling of retraction we get when we think of doing something that scares us? Although that part of us has the best intention to keep us safe and comfortable where we are… […]

7 tips for improving your negotiation skills

When clients come to me for negotiation skills coaching, a significant number of them struggle to separate negotiation from ideas of fighting, argument and conflict.  The core of this is that many people – especially women – see negotiations as risky situations which threaten their relationships.  When you need to negotiate with your partner or […]

Top Ten Best Coaching Resources from the Business Coach Directory

With so many resources are available today that support coaches supporting their clients with professional development, it can often feel overwhelming trying to find the best resources and templates to use in your coaching practice. Here at the Business Coach Directory, we have designed and uploaded our resources with the pure intention of supporting business […]

Green Wall Lessons: How to grow well

What do you do when it’s your 15th wedding anniversary, COVID is changing the way you live and work – and you like being outside? My husband proposed that we build a green wall – and we did just that. I’ve looked at the wall for many happy minutes – and reflected a lot on […]

Green wall Lessons: Enjoying the old and the new

What’s one way to encourage yourself in the midst of Covid 19, winter, and extended lockdown? How can I find inspiration, new hope and colour, in the midst of testing times? Like many I’m finding the current season challenging. However one thing that has continued to encourage me is our green wall, now ten months […]


Starting a new business is exciting, thrilling and somewhat daunting. Moving from a regular salaried role, to one where you are dependent on your own pipeline can bring about many emotions. As a Women writing this article today on International Women’s Day, I feel I have a duty to share some of my experiences over […]