Unpopular Opinion: Why You Don’t Have to Do It All to Succeed in Business

In the entrepreneurial world, particularly among women in business, there’s a pervasive belief that to succeed, you need to be a master of all trades. This idea often leads to the image of a multitasking entrepreneur, juggling every aspect of their business—from marketing and sales to customer service and financial management—all while maintaining a semblance […]

The #1 Thing I Wish I Knew When I Stared My First Online Business

I hope this article finds you well and brimming with ideas! As I was sitting here today, sipping my coffee I started thinking back to when I first dipped my toes into the digital business world in 2014. Oh boy, if I could go back and have a chat with myself, I’d have so much […]

The inevitable truth about change

Change, an inherent part of life, has the power to transform our personal journeys and reshape the world of business. In the fast-paced and dynamic landscape we navigate today, change is not only inevitable but also holds immense potential for growth and opportunity. However, it can also bring about feelings of uncertainty, doubt, and overwhelm. […]

Top Ten Best Coaching Resources from the Business Coach Directory

With so many resources are available today that support coaches supporting their clients with professional development, it can often feel overwhelming trying to find the best resources and templates to use in your coaching practice. Here at the Business Coach Directory, we have designed and uploaded our resources with the pure intention of supporting business […]

The secret to attracting clients

If you ask a group of business owners what their biggest challenge is, the vast majority of them will tell you: Finding clients and making money. I can certainly relate: this was always my biggest struggle too. I was constantly worried about where my next client was going to come from and wondering ‘what do […]